Spring Lakes Golf Course

I purchased Spring Lakes Golf Club in July of 2015, along with Billy Vinyard and Glenn Flood. I remember, when I was a small boy, the only way I would get on a golf course was to trespass, lol! The golf course was an amazing piece of land, but it was in a state of serious disrepair.

I fell in love with it. However, it cost me a lot of headaches. So far, it’s been a money pit. As of May, 2020, I’ve invested $171,220.38 into it. The first couple of years, I also put a considerable amount of time and work into it.

I certainly have made my mark on the place. It now seems that maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The golf course is now doing very well and it is holding its own. We may eventually be able to sell it and make some money. Who knows?

Spring Lakes Golf Course