My Family

Where do I start?

My mum. I was the youngest child so I got to spend some one on one time with my mum when the others fled the nest. My mum always worked so when I was young my sister looked after me. We were not a lovey-dovey type of family. That’s kind of normal for an English family. Mum or Dad never said they loved me or anything like that. I never really told Mum and Dad I loved them, either. I think we just all knew what the deal was. I always had shoes on my feet and I got to go to the USA with them a couple of times.

Mum died June 28th, 1999. She was 69. My mum told me one day that she worries about me because she could never see me settling. I was always chasing rainbows, she said, lol. So my biggest regret is she never got to see my son, Ryan. She would have seen just how happy I was.

My dad died June 25th, 2013. He was 83. We dropped a line now and then but after Mum died we didn’t talk much.

Sandra is the oldest and like I said, she was my early mum. Sandra is the reason I ended up in the USA. She married Louis, a US Air Force officer. I credit Louis for my time in the Royal Marines. He showed me a video of para rescue and I began thinking about joining the military. Sandra and Louis were really good to me when I stayed with them in Tucson. Thank you, to both of you.

Kevin was next. He was a character. He had many jobs and was good at all of them. We fought like cats and dogs when we were young but mellowed out as we got older. I was fortunate enough to spend some time with him in Wells, Norfolk, with my son. Ryan and I still laugh about that trip. Kevin was a riot. He died 8th of February, 2014. He was 58.

Paul loved the horses. Became a jockey. I loved going to see the stables in Newmarket. Paul got dealt a real bad card. He never has gotten over it. It was tough on everyone. But, it’s easier for us to move on. It was more difficult for Paul. He loves his dog. And, he is a TWAT and he has a mug to prove it.

I could say a lot more about everyone but I’m going to let those memories die with us.




